Project HEART – Freddy’s Story

Project HEART – Freddy’s Story

My name is Freddy*. I am 28 years of age and was trained in the field of mechanics within the Let Africa Live (LAV) center in 2013.  Upon achieving my training, I started working to gain experience in other mechanic repair facilities and specialized in vehicle painting. In 2021, I rejoined the LAV organization's garage and was selected for the position of mechanical technician in the painting department.

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Help Complete Project HEART

Help Complete Project HEART

Through the generosity of our donors to Project HEART, Mwendo Congo was able to send a first grant installment to our partner in eastern Congo, Let Africa Live (LAV). These funds are helping LAV expand services and operationalize their Auto Mechanic Shop. With the funding received thus far, LAV has been able to complete a hangar and order new machinery. Only $7,000 remains to reach our goal to support this important work!

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Carpenter Safety Enhanced With New Equipment

Carpenter Safety Enhanced With New Equipment

Mwendo Congo granted $5800 to Let Africa Live (LAV) in January for the purchase of safety equipment to use in the carpentry workshop, now fully operational.  LAV immediately obtained the equipment and trained carpenters on proper use.  Worker safety is enhanced, thanks to donors like you.

Board member Dave Chatelaine was instrumental in dialoguing with Let Africa Live about safety concerns and determining the needs.

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Trauma healing – exchange across the miles

Trauma healing – exchange across the miles

Krista Nelson, a Minnesota-based licensed independent clinical social worker and long-time friend of Mwendo Congo, began conversations with Let Africa Live staff in 2019 about approaches to trauma healing here and in the DRC.  Those initial discussions led to an ongoing “trauma healing bridge group” that Krista convenes online quarterly for exchange of ideas and practices as well as mutual support in weathering the immense challenges in this work.

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Violence disrupts communities in eastern DRC

Violence disrupts communities in eastern DRC

“The hard truth is that war is still going on in the Congo, despite the hope that people had after the 2018 elections,” says Pastor Kubisa, one of Mwendo Congo’s key advisors.  “This makes the work of partner organization Let Africa Live as crucial as ever in responding to the impacts of violence.”  Kubisa spent three months in the eastern Congo recently and reflects on the dire realities he observed on the ground.

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Meet new board member Cathy LaCount

How did you learn about the situation in the DRC?
Six years ago I was invited to a gathering at Dave and Kathy Chatelaine's home to meet Pastor Kubisa and his family. While my husband and I had been supporting children through Compassion and knew the conditions in Ethiopia, I did not know about the struggles in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) or the danger facing Pastor Kubisa resulting in his living in a separate country than his family. When I met the family, they had recently been reunited. 

When and how did you get involved?
The Kubisa family sang and dialogued with our pastor during a church service at Trinity Lutheran in Owatonna.  A couple years later our church’s adult education forum featured Liz Andress and Wema Kubisa sharing about Mwendo Congo’s support for Congolese-led programs in the DRC and the impact on people’s lives.  After one of the presentations, I inquired about the possibility of having Liz and one of Kubisa's family members speak at Woman's Club of Owatonna.  After postponing for two years due to COVID, Liz and Wema were able to come, and they presented one of the best programs we have had at Woman's Club.  The members were in conversation following the program and for days afterwards.  Being a retired primary school teacher, I value the opportunity of education for community members about global realities, in a way that they can understand and respond.

Reflect on your experiences thus far on the board.
My first months on the board find me almost overwhelmed and at the same time in awe of this organization. The degree of commitment, compassion and professionalism are remarkable. I live in Owatonna, Minnesota.  As an out-state board member, I’m still discerning my role outside of praying for all and supporting the on-going mission of Mwendo Congo’s partners in the DRC. 

What fills your life these days?
Since retiring in 2007 from teaching, I have enjoyed volunteering mostly in outreach activities. My life has been enriched by all I meet who are under-privileged and experiencing food insecurity. I also volunteer in our hospital gift shop and with the hospital auxiliary.  I've been told I'm compassionate and insightful, determined to respect those I meet while volunteering. I enjoy decorating and creating warm, welcoming spaces.  Walking our dog, doing yoga and Pilates, and tending my geraniums and hydrangeas round out my life.

What is your vision for Mwendo Congo?

My vision for Mwendo Congo is that we continue to move forward with grants and other sources of funding to support those in the DRC and to educate others as to the needs and successes of Mwendo Congo.

Congo Stories Book Review

Congo Stories Book Review

Congo Stories (Bafilemba and Prendergast) provides an engaging glimpse into this wonderfully diverse African country through photographs, detailed narratives, and insightful explanations of the historical context. Fidel Bafilemba, John Prendergast, and Ryan Gosling (photographer) use their skills to provide us with a compelling story of a country whose natural resources and people have been exploited for more than five centuries. Yet despite this exploitation by greedy global corporations and governments, the Congolese “are building a better future for their country.”

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ChildVoice Visit

ChildVoice Visit

Investing in war-affected youth: Congo-Uganda connections

Mwendo Congo co-founder and on-going advisor Pastor Kubisa received a $3000 travel grant from Mwendo Congo to visit ChildVoice sites in Uganda, followed by the ChildVoice director visiting Let Africa Live in the DRC. Kubisa reflects on commonality in vision of their two organizations, the value of learning from one another and the potential for future partnership.

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